Start Maple from Start Menu/Program Files/ or using the icon in f:\math115 Load the linear algebra progams with the command: > with(LinearAlgebra); Remember that every Maple command must end with a semi-colon ";" We can create matrices by using the following command > A:=Matrix([[1,-1,2],[3,0,1]]); Note that we use ":=" to assign a value to A. Next we create a random matrix B, with integer entries between -4 and +5 > B:=RandomMatrix(2,3,generator=rand(-4..5)); If you want to know more about a Maple command, type > ?RandomMatrix to exit from the help page, close the subwindow, or use the Window menu to move between them. We can add these matrices together using the + symbol > C:=A+B; D is a letter which is reserved for differentiation so we can't use it or I which we saw in lab 0 was the square root of minus one. We can use AA or DA if we want though, it is just simpler to keep single letters. Check that C1:=B+A is the same as C and find E which is 3 times B minus 2 times A. Verify that alpha*(A-B) is equal to alpha*A - alpha*B. Evaluate the scalar multiple F:=-1*A; Check what you get when you add F to A. We can take the transpose of any matrix with "Transpose", try > Transpose(A) and see that the same numbers show up, just that rows become columns and vice versa Check that transpose(C) = transpose(A) + transpose(B) and also predict and check what the transpose of E will be in terms of the transposes of A and B. We can, of course, multiply matrices, the command is "Multiply". Try multiplying A and B, then try to find the relationship between the product of A, transpose(B), B and transpose(A). Create two random 3x3 matrices J and K. Repeat all of the earlier questions for these two in place of A and B. Now multiply them first as J times K and then and K times J. Are the results the same matrix? Try to find a pair of matrices G and H for which this relationship gives the opposite result, so you have JK not equal to KJ and GH equal to HG or vice versa.