Start Maple from Start Menu/Program Files/ or using the icon in f:\math115 Remember to load the linear algebra package again, you can use > with(LinearAlgebra): A colon instead of a semi-colon suppresses the output of all the names. Now recall that we defined > A:=Matrix([[2, 1, -3, -1], [1, 0, -4, 3], [0, -3, -3, -1]]); > b:=Vector([8, 16, -6]); as the system of equations we were planning to solve. We can also ask Maple to solve the system of equations directly: > q1:=LinearSolve(A,b,method='none',free=s); Notice that without the "free" Maple will uses a complicated _t notation instead of our s. The index of s depends on which row is used by Maple, s[3] for us. Check that v=q1 is indeed a solution for Av = b using: > Multiply(A,q1); Extract the particular and homogeneous solutions using these commands and check that they multiply with A correctly: > qp:=subs(s[3]=0,q1); > qh:=subs(s[3]=1,q1-qp); Find the value of s[3] which will give you a particular solution <3,2,-1,3>, using > subs(s[3]= fill in your choice here ,q1); What are the other values of the solution when the first entry is 0? To hopefully stop you getting the same matrix as everyone else, use this command: > Seed:=randomize(): Now create a random matrix > F0:=RandomMatrix(4,4,generator=rand(1..2)); Use > Rank(F0); and if it is 4, go up and press enter on the definition of F until you get one with rank less than 4. alternatively, to save your time you can use a mini-program: F0:=IdentityMatrix(4):while Rank(F0)=4 do F0:=RandomMatrix(4,4,generator=rand(1..3)); od:F0; Pivot F0 until you have it in an equivalent of RREF and check your answer and the rank using > ReducedRowEchelonForm(F0); To Multiply matrices we use this command (not *), see what you get with > Multiply(A,F0); and note that the number of rows and columns is as expected. Note the error when you try to multiply them in the other order Define > G:=RandomMatrix(2,2,generator=rand(-7..7)); > H:=RandomMatrix(2,2,generator=rand(1..5)); and check that when you multiply G and H you will probably get a different answer depending on which order you multiply them in. Use Maple's inverse function to create the inverse of G > Gi:=MatrixInverse(G); and check that it has the form explained in class, and the property that when multiplied by G on either side the 2x2 matrix identity arises. Also check that > Gt:=Transpose(G); and > Ht:=Transpose(H); multiply as expected to give > Transpose(Multiply(H,G)); only in this order. Create a random 3x3 matrix J > J:=RandomMatrix(3,3,generator=-4..5); ensure that Rank(J) is 3, if not create a new random matrix until it is. Using > I3:=IdentityMatrix(3); form the augmented matrix > J1:=< J | I3 >; and use row operations to transfom J into I3, trying to keep your matrix as integers as long as possible. Maple can calculate the inverse of any matrix too, of course: > Jm:=MatrixInverse(J); Now check the solutions for test 1 using Maple or continue with lab1 if you haven't already finished it.