Unless otherwise specified, you can use any known command to answer.You can check your answers after completion with any commands. Do not look at the work other students are doing or communicate with anyone. I recommend that you SAVE regularly in case your computer crashes. Try to work sequentially, making sure your commands give the shown responses, do NOT erase or correct lines, just redo your calculation on the next line if you get an error. You will not lose marks for errors. To write comments in your worksheet use the # symbol, do this to put your name and registration number at the top of your worksheet: > # James Preen 20152613 Use > # the answer is ... because if any of your lines need further explanation. Save your work in your H:\ directory with your name somewhere in the filename and then please email the file to me at james_preen@cbu.ca Don't close Maple until you are sure I have the correct file. Once I have confirmed receipt you are free to leave. I will also have a flash drive too. Please do not sit near your friends and leave a gap between you and anyone else if possible. Using this diagram, identify which vectors you will be using: E F G H I J A B C D ========= ========= I J A B C D E F G H ========= ========= C D E F G H I J A B ========= ========= G H I J A B C D E F ========= ========= A B C D E F G H I J ========= ========= / /door screen You have been allocated a particular set of 3 column vectors as below: Vectors A u:=<5,3,7>; v:=<6,6,7>; w:=<4,7,3>; Vectors B u:=<7,6,3>; v:=<2,4,5>; w:=<6,7,6>; Vectors C u:=<6,5,2>; v:=<5,2,7>; w:=<6,3,7>; Vectors D u:=<4,7,5>; v:=<6,2,7>; w:=<5,5,6>; Vectors E u:=<3,5,6>; v:=<2,4,5>; w:=<5,4,4>; Vectors F u:=<2,4,7>; v:=<7,5,7>; w:=<2,3,5>; Vectors G u:=<6,3,5>; v:=<3,7,2>; w:=<5,4,4>; Vectors H u:=<6,2,5>; v:=<7,4,6>; w:=<4,7,4>; Vectors I u:=<5,6,2>; v:=<5,7,3>; w:=<6,7,2>; Vectors J u:=<6,7,4>; v:=<4,5,5>; w:=<3,4,5>; Q0: Load the Maple package that contains the commands we need. [1 mark] Q1: (a) Form the following matrix using your vectors and use only the command RowOperation on MI to find the inverse of M. [8 marks] > M:=; > MI:=; (b) Why do you now know that u, v and w are independent? [1 mark] Q2: Use the exact fit method to find the quadratic polynomial which has its x values stored in u and its y values in w. Check your answer by evaluating your polynomial at the x values. [6 marks] (you do not need to use RowOperation this time; any method is ok) Q3: Using diagonalisation in reverse, or otherwise, create a 3x3 matrix A with v as an eigenvector with eigenvalue 13. Multiply A and v to check you are correct. [4 marks]