Do you ever wonder about what you're going to do with your arts degree?
    Even if you find your studies enriching, are you worried about how you'll make a living?
    Do you want to work in a field you enjoy, but expect to have to settle for less?
You're not unusual! Most students leave high school (or even university) with only a limited idea about career possibilities. Many aren't technically inclined, but enjoy working with others and "want to help people." Often, they think only about careers in fields like teaching or social work. Those are fine professions, but they're not the only options. Before you leave university, take the opportunity to widen your career horizons.
  If you like Anthropology and Sociology, but fear they're not practical fields of study, don't despair! Take the time to explore the many career paths open to those with social science backgrounds. You can talk to your profs. You can work with the Anthro-Soc Student Association to gather and share information. But first, check out the following web pages, that are designed to get you started:
 example "Job Ads"
 web sites with job postings
Or you can go back to Outside Resources if you're looking for links to general information, professional associations or graduate schools.
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